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Valet Linux Plus offers a robust and efficient local development environment specifically tailored for Linux users. It seamlessly sets up and manages a lightweight development environment with minimal resource consumption. Designed for simplicity, Valet Linux Plus eliminates the need for virtual machines and /etc/hosts file modifications. It leverages Nginx and Dnsmasq to serve your PHP applications effortlessly on the .test TLD by default, with support for custom domains.

This package is ideal for developers seeking a fast and easy-to-configure environment, providing all the essential tools such as Nginx, PHP, MySQL, and Redis, automatically configured to run on system startup. Whether you are working on Laravel projects or other PHP frameworks, Valet Linux Plus ensures a smooth and efficient workflow. Its support for custom drivers allows you to extend its capabilities to various PHP applications and CMS platforms, making it a versatile tool for any Linux-based development setup.


Step 1: Install Valet Linux Plus

Install Valet Linux Plus globally using Composer.

composer global require genesisweb/valet-linux-plus

Step 2: Update PATH (optional)

Ensure Composer's global bin directory is included in your system's executable path by adding the following line to your ~/.bash_profile or ~/.bashrc.

export PATH="$PATH:$HOME/.config/composer/vendor/bin"

Reload the shell configuration to apply the changes:

source ~/.bashrc

Step 3: Run Valet Install

Run the valet install command to configure and install Valet Linux Plus along with its dependencies.

valet install

[!NOTE] Valet will automatically start its daemon each time your machine boots. There is no need to run valet start or valet install ever again once the initial Valet installation is complete.

Log locations

Logs related to Valet Linux Plus are stored in the ~/.config/valet/Log directory. You can check this directory for log files to help diagnose any issues or monitor Valet's activities.