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Serving sites

Once Valet Linux+ is installed, you're ready to start serving sites. Valet Linux+ provides a command to help you serve your sites: valet park. Which will register the current working directory as projects root. Generally this directory is ~/sites.

Create a sites directory and park valet over there, so you can access all of your project from parked directory:

mkdir ~/sites
cd ~/sites && valet park

That's all there is to it. Now, any project you create within your "parked" directory will automatically be served using the http://folder-name.test convention.

For example:

  • mkdir ~/sites/example
  • cd ~/sites/example
  • echo "<?php echo 'Valet Linux+ at your service';" > index.php
  • Go to http://example.test, you should see Valet Linux+ at your service

Domain Alias / Symlinks

Display all of the registered symbolic links based on the current folder.:

valet links

Add new alias:

valet link <domain>

For example:

valet link yourproject2

Will create a symbolic link to the current folder yourproject2.test.

Remove alias:

valet unlink <domain>

For example:

valet unlink yourproject2

Securing Sites With TLS

By default, Valet serves sites over plain HTTP. However, if you would like to serve a site over encrypted TLS using HTTP/2, use the secure command. For example, if your site is being served by Valet on the example.test domain, you should run the following command to secure it:

valet secure example

To "unsecure" a site and revert back to serving its traffic over plain HTTP, use the unsecure command. Like the secure command, this command accepts the host name you wish to unsecure:

valet unsecure example


Proxy supports to preview local ports on a secured subdomain with single line of command.

valet proxy domain host


valet proxy test http://localhost:3000

You can also list, unlink proxies with below commands:


valet proxies

Unlink/Remove Proxy

valet unproxy domain